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Sports Chiropractic in Spicer

doctor adjusting patients footAt Family Roots Chiropractic, we specialize in providing top-notch chiropractic care to athletes at all levels. Whether you’re a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, our services are designed to optimize your performance, reduce the risk of injuries, and promote faster recovery times.

Providing Healing and Restoring Function

While we work with athletes of all ages and disciplines, some of the most common sports injuries we treat include issues with knees, shoulders, and sprains/strains. Our goal is to address the immediate injury and support your overall health and wellness as an athlete. Some ways we do that include

  • Enhancing Nervous System Function—when your nervous system functions at its best, everything in your body works better. Our care helps improve recovery times, reduce pain, prevent injuries, and promote overall wellness.
  • Injury Prevention and Healing—addressing spinal misalignments and enhancing joint function with our adjustments helps prevent sports injuries and accelerate healing when injuries occur.

Special Tools, Techniques, and Technology

Natural, holistic care at our practice can reduce your pain, help you heal, and get you back to doing what you love. We use a combination of advanced techniques and technology to provide tailored care for athletes like:
  • Shockwave Therapy—an innovative therapy that helps promote healing and reduce pain in injured areas
  • Kinesio Taping—we may use kinesio taping techniques to support muscles and joints during athletic activities
  • ArthroStim®—a highly effective tool for muscle relaxation and specific extremity adjustments

We’re committed to providing comprehensive care to support your athletic goals. Our natural care helps reduce soreness, increase range of motion, and improve flexibility, focus, and coordination. Muscles function much better after an adjustment. Athletes recover faster from injury when restricted joints are released. Our goal is to safely return the athlete to activity not just healed but stronger.

Unlock Your Athletic Potential

Experience the difference sports chiropractic care can make in your athletic performance and overall well-being. Schedule an appointment with us today and take your game to the next level with Family Roots Chiropractic.


Sports Chiropractic Spicer MN, serving Willmar, Kandiyohi County & Stearns County MN | (320) 409-1330